The Choklei Organisation for Rural and Agricultural Development (CORAD) is the Hakha-based local NGO that grew out of the French international NGO, Gret. LIFT has worked with CORAD as a sub-partner of Gret for its intervention in Chin State since in 2010. They have assisted 185 villages in northern Chin to improve their livelihoods and food security through a programme of agricultural training, mostly involving building agricultural terraces and irrigating them. CORAD was also instrumental to LIFT recently in assisting flood and landslide afflicted villages to re-instate their agricultural land in time for a winter crop.  

LIFT is pleased to support CORAD, for a number of reasons:

•    CORAD is local.  It is made up of experienced Chin staff, who understand the context, language and local issues.  The concept of ownership for the organisation is in local hands.
•    Staff like working with CORAD.  There is very low turnover and this contributes greatly to the organisation’s success.
•    CORAD empowers villagers. To date, they have assisted in the formation of 105 farmers groups, who have been mentored to make their own development decisions.
•    CORAD thinks long-term.  They are in the process of registering with government as a local NGO – underlining their commitment to the people of Chin State.
•    CORAD’s promotes gender equality and is led by Regional Coordinator Sui Hnem Cuai, who first joined the organisation in 2008 and has worked her way up through the ranks.

CORAD implemented LIFT’s Supporting the Food and Asset Recovery of Disaster Affected Families in Northern Chin State September – December 2015 project, rebuilding livelihoods in 55 flood affected villages, with a budget of US$95,999.

The powerpoint with project results is available here

CORAD’s contact details:

111 Bogyoke Road

Pyidawtha, Hakha, Chin State

Phone:   +95 70 21213, 22054