Partners can find LIFT templates and forms in the panel below.  LIFT's Operational Guidelines are also available here and provide a working reference for partners to abide by LIFT's rules and regulations.  Further enquiries on forms, templates and the guidelines can be addressed to

The following documents are available to download or read on-line:

Title Publication Date Description Download
LIFT Visibility Guidelines 04-02-2025 Updated requirements and guidelines for using the LIFT logo and for presenting LIFT’s visual identity 981.61 KB
Supplier Profile (Banking Information) 21-10-2024 This form is to be used for registering new partners in the oneUNOPS system (in order to provide contact information and banking details). 743.79 KB
Livelihood and Food Security Fund Policy to Address Fiduciary Risk and Fraud (May 2024)) 02-05-2024 This documents aims to clarify the Livelihood and Food Security Fund’s (LIFT) policy and procedures related to financial risk and fraud, including procedures for reporting and investigating suspicious of fraudulent activity. 128.34 KB
Grant Support Agreement template 08-11-2023 General Support Agreement template for grantee/implementing partner 295.75 KB
Operational Guidelines 23-05-2023 Guidance for the Fund Manager (LIFT) and IPs in key processes that they undertake during implementation, directly and through the engagement of sub-grantees ရန်ပုံငွေ မန်နေဂျာ (LIFT) နှင့် လုပ်ဖော်ကိုင်ဖက် မိတ်ဖက်အဖွဲ့များ အတွက်... 839.17 KB
Per Diem Rates for Counterparts as of 18 February 2019 09-08-2021 Per Diems are payable at the IPs’ approved internal rates, and not higher than the rates approved by the UN Resident Coordinator. 123.23 KB
Per Diem Rates for Counterparts as of 18 February 2019 09-08-2021 Per Diems are payable at the IPs’ approved internal rates, and not higher than the rates approved by the UN Resident Coordinator. 4.25 MB
UNOPS Sustainable Procurement Framework 09-08-2021 The SP Framework applies to all UNOPS procurements of goods or services (including for partners, projects and internal office needs) 645.65 KB
Activity Plan and Fund Request template 28-10-2020 This template is to be used for planning activities and requesting the budget for the next period.   *If you are unable to access the files, kindly get in touch with your designated grant focal person. -
Budget Revision template 28-10-2020 This template should be used when the agreed budget needs to be revised during the course of a project.   *If you are unable to access the files, kindly get in touch with your designated grant focal person. -
Financial Reporting template 28-10-2020 Template to be used for financial reporting (inception, annual, final)  *If you are unable to access the files, kindly get in touch with your designated grant focal person. -
Initial Budget template 28-10-2020 This template should be used by organisations submitting their initial budget (e.g. during proposal stage) *If you are unable to access the files, kindly get in touch with your designated grant focal person. -
Payment request/Invoice template 28-10-2020 Invoice example (grant instalments).  The invoice must make reference to the agreement, the amount, the date, and be presented on the official letter head of the IP. *If you are unable to access the files, kindly get in touch with your... -
LIFT Strategy Diagram and Logframe (as of 12 February 2019) 29-10-2019 645.47 KB
LIFT Conflict-Sensitivity Principles 2019-2023 26-09-2019 LIFT Conflict-Sensitivity Principles 2019-2023 in English (Note: There will be a Myanmar version soon) 267.87 KB
MEAL Framework- Financial Inclusion (updated as of 2018) 22-06-2018 Monitoring and Evaluation for Learning and Accountability (MEAL) framework for Financial Inclusion Updated in July 2018 397.2 KB
LIFT Financial Reporting (Microfinance)_updated_12December2017 (revised) 12-01-2018 Template to be used for financial reporting (inception, annual, final) for projects with an investment fund/loan capital (e.g. microfinance)  *If you are unable to access the files, kindly get in touch with your designated grant focal... -
Monitoring and Evaluation for Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Reporting Guidelines for Projects with Significant “Policy Engagement” Version 4 – January 2018 01-01-2018 The FMO has developed the following tools and reporting guidelines to support relevant LIFT-funded projects to be flexible, adaptive and strategic in their approach to policy engagement. 626.15 KB
LIFT GENDER STRATEGY 15-08-2017 The gender strategy, the first version published in 2012,  has been revised and updated in line with LIFT’s new strategy (2015-18).  784.86 KB
Social Protection Guidelines 25-07-2016 1.19 MB
