Dear Colleagues

In recognition of LIFTs commitment to convening an open discussion with individuals and organizations to discuss the recent call for proposals for the REAL DEV Programme announced in December 2018, we invite you to participate in a meeting to be convened on Friday 18th January 2019 in Yangon. Details of the agenda and venue are attached for your consideration. Please note that simultaneous translation of Myanmar-English will be provided.

The overall objective of the meeting is to consult with CSOs and interested parties on the recent call for proposals (CfPs) under the “Reclamation of Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands, Re-allocation and Development by the Rural Poor” (REAL DEV Programme). Specifically the meeting will highlight the background to the call along with core elements associated with the reallocation of land within the REAL DEV Programme. Further, LIFT seeks inputs from CSOs and interested parties on their concerns, perspectives and insights into the call.

We would be most grateful if you could RSVP to Ms. Athens Phone Myint: of your attendance of your organization and the names of attendees by COB Monday 17th January 2019.

Thanking you in advance and we look forward to your participation in this important consultation.

Yours sincerely


Katy Webley

Director LIFT

Proposed Agenda

Meeting with CSOs and interested parties on LIFT’s REAL DEV Programme

Meeting date: 18th January 2019 (Friday)

Time: 13:30 – 16:30

Venue: Zephyr Gardens meeting room at Seinn Lann So Pyay, Yangon

Objective: In line with an announcement on the LIFT website, LIFT will convene a meeting to consult with interested parties over the REAL DEV Programme call:   The overall objective of the meeting is to consult with civil society organizations (CSOs) and interested parties on the recent call for proposals (CfPs) for the “Reclamation of Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands, Re-allocation and Development by the Rural Poor” (REAL DEV Programme). Specifically, the meeting will highlight the background to the call along with core elements associated with the reallocation of land within the REAL DEV Programme. Further, LIFT seeks inputs from CSOs and interested parties on their concerns, perspectives and insights.

Provisional Agenda

Time (minutes)


Responsible person(s)/organization

Meeting Facilitator: Myat Su Win, LIFT

13:30 – 14:00 (30)


Athens Phone Myint, LIFT

14:00 – 14:10 (10)

Welcome and opening remarks from the Director LIFT and Fund Board representatives

Katy Webley, Director LIFT; LIFT FB donor(s)

14:10 – 14:30 (20)

Presentation on the  background to and core elements of the land allocation component in the REAL DEV Programme

Brett Ballard, Policy Specialist, LIFT

14:30 – 14:40 (10)

Question of clarification on the presentation

REAL DEV Team (Brett Ballard, Kyi Nyein Chan, Andrew Noble)

14:40 – 15:30 (50)

Open discussion on the call with participants from the floor

Facilitator: Myat Su Win, LIFT

Rapporteur: Thu Thu Nwe Hliang, LIFT

15:30 – 15:50 (20)

Tea/Coffee Break


15:50 – 16:30 (40)

Response to inputs from the floor and charting a way forward for the REAL DEV Programme

Facilitator:  Myat Su Win, LIFT

Rapporteur: Thu Thu Nwe Hliang, LIFT

16:30 – 16:40 (10)

Summing up and the process moving forward

Katy Webley, Director LIFT


Close of meeting



Important Changes to the Dates

Further to the announcement of the convening of an open discussion (see above to take place on the 18th January 2019, in Yangon and to allow potential applicants sufficient time to take into account the outputs of the meeting, the deadline for receipt of written enquires and associated responses as presented in the call for proposals documentation has been changed. The revised dates are as follows:


Original Dates

Revised Dates

Call for Proposals release date

10th December 2018

No change

Deadline for receipt of written inquiries

10th January 2019

22nd January 2019

Last written responses distributed

11th January 2019

25th January 2019

Proposal due date

31st  January 2019 by 13:00 (Myanmar local time)

15th February 2019 by 13:00 (Myanmar local time)

Grant agreement negotiation

March 2019

No change