The rationale of this study is to attempt to answer questions about the impact of microfinance on women’s empowerment in 3 selected LIFT microfinance partners. At the same time, it aims to help validate LIFT’s new gender strategy. Thirdly, it hopes to inform the design of a future quantitative study on the subject. Finally, it contains recommendations to help improve the impact of LIFT microfinance activities on women’s empowerment, and offers suggestions for other types of donor interventions as well.

The findings show that the microfinance contributes to an increase in a member’s self-confidence and self-worth, and that both the financial activities and the group activities (microfinance meetings) are important. The findings also show that in the majority, the decision-making process is the same as it was before the microfinance. There are many factors in the HH decision-making process and hierarchy that are beyond the reach of microfinance to influence. There were a few cases, however, of women reporting that their negotiating position had been strengthened due to earning more income for the household.

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), Myanmar Survey Research (MSR)
Thematic Area:
Financial Inclusion
Gender Equality
Ayeyarwady, Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway
Type of Publication:
LIFT Publications

Full Report (English):