This report outlines recent (2007-2017) changes in agricultural practices for the main field crops grown in Myanmar’s Dry Zone, based on information gathered from the Rural Economy and Agriculture Dry Zone (READZ) survey. One objective of the survey was to assess trends in production patterns and practices for four of the major field crops grown in the area: rice, groundnut, sesame, and green gram.

Zaw Min Naing. Food Security Policy Project (FSPP). Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. 2017

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), USAID, Michigan State University (MSU), Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Thematic Area:
Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway
Type of Publication:
Partner Publications

Full Report (English):