This research highlight presents findings on access to and use of agricultural credit by farm households in Myanmar’s Central Dry Zone. Data was collected by the Rural Economy Agriculture Dry Zone Survey (READZ). Data was collected by the Rural Economy Agriculture Dry Zone Survey (READZ). READZ was implemented during March-May 2017 with 1578 rural households in the townships of Budalin, Myitta, Magway and Pwintphyu. Results presented here are based on responses from a subsample of 1066 households engaged in agriculture. We analyze access to, terms and utilization of agricultural loans from the Myanmar Agricultural Development Bank (MADB) and other sources over the 12 months preceding the survey.

Khun Moe Htun and Myat Su Tin. Food Security Policy Project (FSPP). Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. 2017

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), USAID, Michigan State University (MSU), Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Thematic Area:
Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway
Type of Publication:
Partner Publications

Full Report (English):