Last month, LIFT attended a government-led seminar on “The Role of Private Sector for the Sustainable Development of Myanmar Rice Sector and Seed Industry” in Nay Pyi Taw.  The main objective of the seminar was to assure a smooth handing over process of knowledge and information to the new government.

In attendance were economists and officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MOAI), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) and other organisations.

Former Minister, H. E. U Myint Hlaing stressed the importance of rice as the staple food in Myanmar, and as the backbone of the country’s economy, “Out of a total of cultivated area 52.83 million acres in the country, a total of 17.33 million acres of monsoon and summer paddy are sown by 6.35 million family farming households and to improve the socio-economic status and income of those rural farmers is directly correlated to the sustainable development of rice sector,” he explained, also noting the threat from climate change related and man-made disasters. He outlined the need for emergency food reserve programmes and emergency seed reserved programmes.

In many ways, rice is also politics, the former minister commented. The stability and tranquility of the country’s political situation as well as livelihoods of rural farmers mainly depend on the development of rice sector. Myanmar will need to monitor and increase the production of rice to meet the rising demand of increasing population over time, and to enhance farmers’ incomes and socio-economic status.

In this, he said, the role of localised private companies and private entrepreneurships is imperative to improve the quality and quantity of rice to attain a stronghold in international markets.  

During the five year tenure of the old government, three policies were implemented: The Farmland Law (2012); Management of Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Law (2012); and The Law of Protection of the Farmer Rights and Enhancement of their Benefits (2014).


Please see presentations from the event below:

Opening Remarks - Union Minister, H. E. U Myint Hlaing, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (EN and MM version)

Policy Support for Increasing Private Sector Investment in Sustainable Rice Sector and Seed Industry Development - Permanent Secretary Tin Htut, Ph.D

IRRI Myanmar Rice Sector Development Strategy - Dr. Jongsoo Shin, IRRI Myanmar Representative

IRRI-Myanmar partnership: current and future perspectives for rice breeding - RK Singh, Rice Breeder IRRI, Philippines

Support of Agriculture-related Laws for Seed Industry Development & Private Sector Participation on Myanmar Rice Production - Director General, Dr. Ye Tint Tun, Department of Agriculture

Support of Agriculture-related Laws for Seed Industry Development & Private Sector Participation on Myanmar Rice Production - Director General, Dr. Ye Tint Tun, Department of Agriculture (Myanmar version)

Dissemination of Hybrid Rice Seed Production Technology - Acting Director General, U Naing Kyi Win, Department of Agricultural Research

Role of Research Development  Linking to Private Sector in Myanmar Rice Seed Development Strategy- MRSDS - Deputy Director, Hmwe Hmwe, Department of Agricultural Research

Quality Seed Production and Varietal Improvement Program for Climate Change - Nyo Mar Htwe, Yezin Agricultural University

Development of Agriculture Seed Industry in Myanmar - Safal Seed & Biotech Ltd, India & Tropical Biotechnology Ltd. Myanmar

The Roles of Private Sector in Seed Sector Development - Samarendu Mohanty, International Rice Research Institute

Strategic PPP Project for Value-addition & Trade Promotion of Agro-Commodities – Secretary General, Ye Min Aung, Myanmar Rice Federation

U Aung Than Oo (Myanmar version)


Information regarding the laws pertaining to agriculture are available here:

The Law Amending the Fertilizer Law & The Fertilizer Law

The Law Amending the Seed Law

Technical Guidelines - EuropeAid: Rice IPM in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Pesticide Law