Concerns over the different approaches to and the quality of data collection in Myanmar are widespread and long-standing. In order to promote a more systematic approach to data gathering and analysis, an initial stakeholder meeting on the formation of a Myanmar Monitoring and Evaluation Association (MMEA) took place at UNOPS in Yangon, Myanmar, on 11 March 2016. Over 40 participants representing national and international Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Academia, the Private Sector, and UN organisations in Myanmar attended the meeting, which was particularly timely given new opportunities and emerging in the rapidly changing country context.

The meeting was initiated and facilitated by the LIFT M&E Team, with a keynote speech delivered by Jim Rugh, an internationally recognized evaluation expert and former Coordinator of the EvalPartners Initiative, that aims to strengthen evaluation capacities of and through Voluntary Organisations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) around the world. Also see IOCEJim co-authored the popular and practical RealWorld Evaluation book (Sage 2006 and 2012)  - you can find it here.

The meeting introduced the concept of VOPEs and provided an overview of the current situation and the rapid growth of evaluation associations in the region and beyond. Participants worked together in small groups to identify existing gaps in conducting monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in Myanmar – including the lack of quality data; weak M&E culture and mechanisms for knowledge sharing and learning; lack of a common definition; limited human capacity, financial resources, and clarity around accountabilities for M&E within Government structures. MMEA could play a key role in addressing some of these gaps – by providing a platform for technical knowledge exchange and learning; strengthening the capacity for conducting (supply) and using (demand) evaluations both at individual and institutional level; providing a pool of technical resources and expertise; and advocating for the development of a national M&E policy, among others.

Important momentum has been created towards the formation of a Myanmar Monitoring and Evaluation Association – with over 10 organisations expressing interest in engaging as part of a leadership committee. LIFT's evaluation specialist Dr Pyae Phyo Maung said “I am very happy and excited about this event. It is the first time ever for Myanmar to have an M&E event like this. It is good for so many to come together to discuss ideas and ways to overcome challenges that Myanmar face with M&E.”

Moving ahead, it will be important to sustain and build on that momentum, and to engage different actors – including Government – in the development of a professional association for the practice of evaluation in Myanmar. Capacity development will be a key element, including through south-south cooperation and exchange of knowledge with other VOPEs in the region, and beyond.

Jim Rugh's presentation is here