At an event in Yangon last week attended by government, development partners and the private sector, partner PATH launched fortified rice in Myanmar. 

LIFT is funding PATH to develop fortified rice in Myanmar, with members of the private sector. 

The project fact sheet is here.

PATH's FAQ's on fortified rice is here.

This short video, created by PATH in Brazil, explains what fortified rice is and how it is made.

Around 35% of children under the age of five in Myanmar are stunted, or very short in height. LIFT Fund Director Andrew Kirkwood addressed the audience at the event, noting that Myanmar's economy loses an estimated $5 billion a year from losses related to stunting.

Stunting has life-long affects, yet it can easily be avoided if a child is fed a nutritious diet in the first 1000 days of its life, from conception through to its second birthday.

Improving the nutrition of its beneficiaries is one of the four strategic outcomes that LIFT aims to achieve, alongside increasing people's  incomes, improving their ability and resilience to cope with shocks and setbacks, and providing an evidence base for the development of pro-poor policies.

