LIFT organised a launch of the Rakhine Programme on March 1 in Sittwe, paving the way for collaboration and support between local government and partners during project implementation in the coming three years.

The event consisted of a market place where LIFT-funded projects in Rakhine were showcased, with booths by implementing partners the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Care Myanmar, Oxfam, Save the Children and Better Life Organisation (BLO). The Chief Minister of Rakhine State attended the event, with representatives from the general administration, rural revelopment and agriculture, and health departments. Participants from the project Townships – Myebon, Minbya, Kyaukpyu, Pauktaw and Rathedaung - also attended.

A coordination meeting was held with the partners on February 29 where they presented their project outlines. 

IRC is implementing Tat Lan 2 in partnership with 104 communities in Myebon and Minbya to sustainably increase food and nutrition security, and incomes of households, through a village-owned approach. IRC has increased its focus on marginalized populations to ensure that all groups benefit equally.

Save the Children (SC) is implementing similar activities to improve livelihoods, food security and nutritional intake, with a focus on gender sensitivity, community-based planning, innovation and inclusion. Maternal Cash Transfers (MCT) to women in the 1000 days window - from a child's conception to its second birthday -  and Behaviour Change Communications (BCC) training will be provided in all villages. Water, sanitation and hygiene interventions will be increased, and access to financial services will be available to a wider range of households.

For Tat Lan 2, Oxfam and the Scholar Institute (SI) have formed a partnership. Their project aims to  ensure that community development and sustainable livelihood opportunities are supported through more socially accountable government.  With expertise from Earth Rights International (ERI) and International Commission of Jurist (ICJ), Oxfam and SI will support the empowerment of 62 communities, 10 civil society organisations, 5 local government departments, the Township Development Support Committee, and Kyaukpyu’s Members of Parliament, building upon the work done in Tat Lan 1. 

The Better Life Organisation (BLO) also places community participation and leadership at the forefront of all interventions. In  44 villages, BLO aims to increase sustainable fisheries, create livelihood resilience,  improve agricultural productivity, and  access to clean water and hygiene knowledge.  They will also assist communities to manage the infrastructural, socio-economic and ecological changes the Special Economic Zone will bring. Traditional fishing grounds and agricultural land areas will be lost in the proposed SEZ development. 

With its knowledge of the operating environment, CARE is providing technical support to all implementing partners, enabling them to build their monitoring, evaluation and learning capacities.

CARE is also working in Rathedaung Township to develop sustainable livelihoods. CARE will assist to raise income sources through increased farming productivity, improve access to capital and encourage saving through village saving and loans groups, and promote nutrition-sensitive approaches. The project also works to increase the capacity of communities to manage forests and water resources through community forestry and irrigation infrastructure. The project includes a disaster preparedness component.

Read more about LIFT's Rakhine Programme here.