Improving nutrition is one of LIFT's four desired strategy outcomes. We are particularly focused on improving nutrition in a child's first 1000 days, from conception through to its second birthday, when good nutrition builds the foundation for a child's ability to grow, learn and thrive.

In our new Delta 3, Dry Zone, Tat Lan 2 and Uplands programmes, LIFT will fund projects that provide maternal cash transfers to mothers in the 1000 day window.

We'd like to alert our partners and community to a free nutrition app from the e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA), by the World Health Organisation. eLENA is an online library of evidence-informed guidelines for an expanding list of nutrition interventions. It is a single point of reference for the latest nutrition guidelines, recommendations and related information such as:

  • available scientific evidence supporting the guidelines
  • biological, behavioural and contextual rationale statements
  • commentaries from invited experts.

eLENA aims to help countries successfully implement and scale-up nutrition interventions by informing as well as guiding policy development and programme design.

The app includes easy- to- access evidence links for all the interventions under a life course: from infants, children, adolescents, reproductive age, pregnancy and post-partum and older adults.

There is also a nutrition sensitive section on cash transfers, which is at the heart of LIFT's nutrition interventions.

Go to the link here and download the app, or visit the site.

Please also be aware of free on-line certificated courses running with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Please also contact LIFT's nutrition partner LEARN , who offer guidance about nutrition to all LIFT partners.