LIFT recently held a workshop for some of the new Delta 3 programme implementing partners (IPs), assisting them to see how their projects fit coherently into the overall programme.  This was done by having a good look at the programme's Theory of Change.

A Theory of Change (ToC) is often looked upon suspiciously – many don’t understand what a ToC is, while other simply don’t want to!  But a ToC is, in fact, a useful tool that can help map out a programme’s desired outcomes, and the paths (and projects and people) by which the change can be achieved, in a given context. Time spent developing and understanding a ToC is time well spent.

LIFT’s Delta 3 programme will commence implementation soon. In preparation, representatives from some of the programmes’ IPs  - World Vision, WeltHunger Hilfe, Save the Children, Mercy Corps and World Fish - met recently for an interactive workshop to explore and review the programme’s ToC, and its Monitoring and Evaluation for Accountability and Learning (MEAL) plan.

IPs placed colour coded post-it pads on a wide screen projection of the Delta 3 programme's ToC.  Yellow  post-its marked  their current projects in the ToC map, and pink post–its identified possible gaps.  The gaps were later discussed, feeding into revision of the ToC.  The exercise allowed IPs a more tangible relationship with the ToC, with clarity that each project is part of a larger network of complimentary projects that provide best chance of achieving the desired outcomes. Possibilities for knowledge sharing and cross learning could also be seen.

The workshop  included discussion of the current MEAL plan requirements for the inception phase of projects. The programme 's Evaluation and Learning questions were presented and IPs identified their contribution to these. In the day's final session, IPs  assessed which of LIFT log frames indicators are relevant to their projects, and clarified which indicators they are to report their progress against.

Participants applauded the workshop, considering it an effective and worthwhile exercise.  

This exercise will be repeated with the Delta 3 programme’s local NGOs.

The Delta 3 team would like to give special thanks LIFT’s Monitoring and Evaluation Team, and consultants Andrea Ling and  Steve Gossage  for their help with the workshop and the development of the ToC and MEAL Plan.