LIFT announces the “Introduction to Social Research Methods” study by the Inya Institute

"The success of a research project and its scientific value are primarily based on the choice of the research methods and the quality of measurement”

Page 15, Introduction to Social Research Methods

With funding from LIFT, the Inya Institute has developed a bilingual manual which introduces readers in Myanmar to social research methods.  The methods can be used to improve the implementation of social projects in the country, particularly when conducting:

  • Research that helps to gain better knowledge of the communities targeted by social projects
  • Monitoring that helps to assess progress made in the implementation of a project based on its initial plan
  • Evaluation that helps to assess how a completed project has reached its objectives.

The manual is primarily targeted at local staff working on social projects.  It will also be useful to people who have an interest in developing their research skills. Please read this excerpt from the study's foreword:

With the country opening up, it is often said that international assistance ought to to disseminate the benefits of critical thinking as part of the current efforts to reinvigorate Myanmar’s education system. This indeed is a very important issue. Yet it is one that may not be an immediate priority.

What seems more pressing is to provide learners with tools that help structure their thinking. It is critical at this stage to guide  learners to use these tools so that they may link observations and data collected from the field research to broader reasoning. Further implementation of international programmes in Myanmar requires observing commonly accepted international procedures and standards. This manual will help readers understand what these procedures and standards are and how they may be followed.

The full report is available here. Hard copies are available at the LIFT UNOPS office and at the Inya Institute.


LIFT commissions research and studies to promote learning and knowledge sharing in the interest of sustainable development in Myanmar. So far, more than 70 studies and reports have been commissioned to inform programme design, and to provide a trusted evidence base for pro-poor policy advocacy. The knowledge in LIFT studies can help you to improve your performance within the rural development context.  Please visit our Publications page.

LIFT is funded by Australia, Denmark, the European Union, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. From the private sector, the Mitsubishi Corporation is a donor. 

LIFT is managed by UNOPS.