Following an official request from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is leading a Joint Recovery Assessment of damage to livelihoods caused by the floods.

LIFT is providing technical assistance for the assessment. Our officers will work on interpretation and analysis of the primary and secondary data collected. Other organisations offering their expertise are the World Food Programme, UN Women and the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

The assessment aims to:

  • Assess the major damage and losses to the agricultural sector and its sub-sectors caused by the floods,including crop production, livestock, forestry, fisheries / aquaculture as well as irrigation
  • Assess the food security and nutrition situation, including coping mechanisms adopted by the population and their degree of vulnerability
  • Estimate the extent of disruption of local markets
  • Develop scenarios for the coming three, six and twelve months in order to develop specific short, medium and long-term response interventions

The data gathering takes places this week.  Results are expected in early September.