LIFT is currently seeking proposals from qualified organisations to act as the lead implementing partner for LIFT’s work on Migration.

Please find the Call for Proposals document in English and Myanmar. The call is also available on the UNOPS website.

Update: You can find answers to your questions on LIFT's Migration page.

Proposals can be submitted on or before the 21 August 2015, 12.00 noon, Myanmar time (GMT+6:30h) by sending an email to 

Hard copies of the concept notes must also be submitted at: LIFT Fund Management Office, 12(0) Pyi Thu Lane, 7 Mile, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar (on or before the same date).

The proposal evaluation procedure is as follows:

Event Date
CfP release date Friday 17th  July 2015
Deadline for receipt of written enquiries Friday 7th August  2015
Last written responses distributed Wednesday 12th August 2015
Proposals due date Friday 21st August 2015, 12: 00 Myanmar time (GMT+6:30)
Shortlisting 22nd August - 3rd September 2015
Grant agreement negotiation September 2015

Except for the final date for proposal submission to LIFT, the dates provided above are only indicative. The Evaluation Committee may follow a quicker or a longer timeframe for the appraisal of proposals.

Please send enquiries on this call to

Thank you.