The Call for Proposals for the new LIFT Dry Zone Programme was published on Friday, 24th April 2015.

We would like to offer the opportunity for discussion and clarity on the Call for Proposals, new Programme Framework, and guidance provided on M&E and learning.

We invite you to a Question and Answer (Q&A) session on Monday May 11th, 2pm onwards at the UNOPS Mandalay Room.

We will start with a short introduction to the LIFT Dry Zone programme and the new LIFT M&E/Learning guidelines for implementing partners. This will be followed by a question and answer session with the LIFT Fund Management Office.

All presentations, questions and answers will be minuted and published here at the website to ensure those who cannot attend have access to the same information.

Please RVSP to Naw Moo Kho PAW before 12.00 on Friday 8. May 2015
