On January 19th and 20th, LIFT took a group of reporters from the Farmer's Journal, the Global New Light of Myanmar, MITV, MRTV-4, and the Myanmar Times to see four LIFT projects implementing in the Delta. These projects include IRRI's 'Improving livelihoods of rice-based rural households in the lower region of the Ayeyarwady Delta', Pact's 'Sustainable Microfinance to improve the livelihoods of cyclone affected poor in Delta', GRET/WHH's Value Chain Development for Inclusive Economnic Growth in Central Bogale/Mawlamyingyuan Townships', and Proximity Designs' 'Livelihoods Support for Vulnerable Communities in Bogale, Mawlamyinegyun and Labutta'.

Please take a look at the following articles and videos provided by the reporters:

The Global New Light of Myanmar


The Myanmar Times


For photos from the press trip, visit our Facebook page