LIFT is pleased to announce the third in its series of programmes focusing on the Ayeyarwady Delta region of Myanmar.

LIFT’s earlier Delta projects have identified emerging opportunities for scaling-up support to smallholder farmers, and provided insight on how to support vulnerable and non-farming households. Lessons were shared at a workshop in October 2014. Based on lessons and reflecting LIFT's updated strategy, the new Delta 3 programme defines four components:

  1. Strengthening the smallholder farmer position in the rice value chain ('stepping up')
  2. Improving access to new economic opportunities: off-farm income generation, vocational training and support for migration ('stepping out')
  3. Addressing vulnerabilities: social protection measures, improved nutrition, and reduced indebtedness ('hanging in')
  4. Providing support to pro-poor policies and stakeholder coordination

The Programme Concept Paper is available in English and Myanmar. 

LIFT partners and other interested parties are invited to a workshop presenting the new Delta 3 Programme at LIFT's UNOPS office in Yangon (Mandalay room) on Tuesday 24th February. The agenda follows:

9:00-9:15    Registration

9:15-9:30    Opening speech

9:30-10:20 Presentation of the Programme

10:20-10:40 Q&A session

10:40-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:00 Group discussions

12:00-12:30 Wrap up by group facilitators and closing remarks

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Please download the invite here.

Please RSVP to by February 18th 2015. We look forward to seeing you there.

LIFT would be happy to receive your comments and feed-back on the Programme Concept Paper before the workshop. Please direct your comments and feedback to  before the 20th February

The Yangon workshop will be followed by several calls for proposals that will be announced here at the website.

Meetings will also take place in Bogale on 16th February and in Labutta in the second week of March (exact date to be confirmed) to discuss the new programme with local organisations. All partners and interested parties are welcome to join.