LIFT, in partnerships with the World Bank, is pleased to invite LIFT partners to the launch of the fourth report in the LIFT/World Bank Qualitative Social and Economic Monitoring (QSEM) series of studies.

QSEM explores how people in rural Myanmar make a living, what wider factors shape their ability to do so and how the broader social and economic situation affects their choices and outcomes. 

The results for this fourth round will be presented in the context of previous rounds (2011 – QSEM 1, 2012 – QSEM 2, 2013 – QSEM 3) and findings tell a story of rapid change.

Please join us on Thursday, 5th February 2015, 2:30 – 5:00 pm at UNOPS Mandalay Room, 12 (O) Pyi Thu Lane, Seven Mile, Mayangone, Yangon (please note new venue).

Attendance is by RSVP only.  Please RSVP to Daw Saw Yu Nwe at  by Tuesday 3rd February.

A one page summary of the main findings is available here in English, and here in Myanmar.


Date:   Thursday 5th February 2015

Time:   14:30 – 17:00

Venue: UNOPS Mandalay Room, 12 (0) Pyi Thu Lane, Seven Mile, Mayangone, Yangon.

14:30 – 15:00      Registration, networking and welcome tea

15:00 – 15:10      Introduction by Andrew Kirkwood, LIFT Fund Director

15:10 – 15:45      Key findings from QSEM Round 4 presented by Matthew Zurstrassen (World Bank)

15:45 – 16:00      Main issues emerging from QSEM Rounds 1 to 4

16:00 – 17:00      Question & Answer session

17:00                     Closing remarks