As part of LIFT’s community feedback mechanism, LIFT invites its partners to elect a Feedback Handling Board (FHB).

The process is being handled by Daw Thu Thu Nwe Hlaing, LIFT's vibrant civil society partnerships officer.

How is feedback managed?

"All feedback from beneficiaries that comes to LIFT through different modes is first identified as positive feedback (compliments), negative feedback (complaints), concerns, enquires, and suggestions," says Daw Thu Thu. "It is acknowledged within  a five-day period and is recorded in the feedback register with a unique identification number. If necessary, a file on the complaint will be retained."

After feedback is categorised by type, it is referred to specific individuals and departments and/or some is mentioned in appropriate papers and reports to improve LIFT’s activities. The relevant focal persons reply directly to the person in line with LIFT policies and procedures.

Why a Feedback Handling Board?

"Complaints are to be handled differently, however," continues Daw Thu Thu. "These are to be analysed and investigated through a Feedback Handling Board (FHB). Members of FHB are to be elected and the board will comprise of two representatives from the Fund Management Office, two representatives from international NGO partners, two representatives from local NGO partners, three individuals from civil society, who are non-partners of LIFT, but are well respected and trusted by CSOs in Myanmar.

"Today I am advising the names of nominees who have agreed to be FHB members, should they are elected by LIFT implementing partners," Daw Thu Thu advises.

"Please vote for them by sending your selected FHB member list to me only by Thursday 23rd of January 2015. Names of the elected FHB member list will be circulated shortly afterwards." 

What is the role of the FHB?

Members of FHB will meet quarterly or as requested by the LIFT focal person to ensure the following:

  • That the complaint is valid (within the scope and parameters of LIFT’s services) by defining criteria of valid complaints.
  •  To identify the seriousness of the complaint and gather sufficient information about the complaint in order to properly investigate and respond, for example, obtain information about the issue, individuals and organisations involved, timing, etc. This information must be recorded in the feedback register.
  • That the investigation is to be objective, impartial and managed confidentially in accordance with privacy obligations.
  • To obtain the consent of the LIFT Fund Director in the case where a Fund Management Office staff member is to be investigated.
  • Make sure that the investigation aims to resolve factual issues and consider different options for complaint resolution and future improvement.
  • Make certain that the response to the complaint is timely, clear, informative and efficient.

If a complainant is not satisfied with the response, internal or external review of the decision may be offered. External review options include going to Myanmar NGO Watch Group, press, etc. The Term of FHB membership is two years.

Who are the FHB candidates?

CESVI Myanmar                 Daniele Panzeri
ADRA Myanmar                 Daw Myat Su Win
Mercy Corps                       Nilan Fernando
CARE                                    U Shwe Thein
IRC                                        Marcel de Brune

Myanmar Ceramic Society       Dr. Myo Thant Tyn
Radanar Ayar                              U Thura Aung
Arr Yone Oo                                U Cyin Khan Lian
SVS                                                Daw Khin Thet Maw
ECLOF                                           Daw May Aye Shwe

Civil Society    
Dr. Aung Tun Thet                     
U Khin Mg. Lwin
Please propose a third civil society representative                        

LIFT Fund Management Office 
Harald Kreuscher                           Programme Officer
U Ye Win                                           M&E Officer
U Myint Kyaw                                  Microfinance and Business Development Officer
U Than Tun                                      Off-farm Income Generation Officer

The LIFT accountability framework is available here in English and here in Burmese. 

If you are from a LIFT partner organisation, please send your vote to Daw Thu Thu at by COB Thursday 23rd January 2015.

Many thanks for your participation!