Wednesday 19th November

LIFT holds an Annual Forum as a platform for discussion to advance the rural development agenda in Myanmar.

This year’s event, subtitled Knowledge Sharing and Ideas for Myanmar’s Rural Development, will bring national and international rural development specialists together to participate in eight presentation and panel sessions on November 25th and 26th. 

The event is jointly organised with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development, and will be opened by government dignitaries to an audience of around 300 government and implementing partners, researchers, students and members of the private sector.

2014 has been an important year of continued change for Myanmar, and LIFT has adapted to that change by updating its strategy. The new strategy allows LIFT to work in clear alignment with recent government reforms, and to make the most of new opportunities presented to smallholder farmers and the rural landless poor to be part of Myanmar’s economic development. The strategy was developed in consultation in government and partners, and is available here in English, and here in Myanmar language.

The changing context is the focus of Day 1 of the event, with presentations and panel sessions highlighting topics such as agricultural and income diversification, farm production economics and exploring the potential of engaging smallholder farmers with the private sector.

Day 2 will focus on building resilience and growth, for example with climate smart agricullture and social protection, while looking into ways and means to build a knowledge platform for Myanmar's rural development sector. This could serve as an evidence base to inform programme design and policy decisions, and work to advance Myanmar’s rural agenda.

Soft copies of all presentations will be available here at the website as from next week.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the event, and to two days of stimulating discussion and learning.


Attendance is by invitation and RSVP only.

Press enquiries and further information: please contact Jacquetta Hayes