LIFT's Annual Report for 2013 describes the progress of the Fund during the year when some of the most substantial gains and important outcomes of LIFT programming were made. Not only are households reporting greater food security, but improved data collection and monitoring efforts confirm that implementing partners are largely on track to achieve their targets.

The Fund disbursed US$31.3 million to its implementing partners, which is 14% more than in 2012. Donors increased their funding and the Fund welcomed the Republic of Ireland, bringing donor memberships to eleven. LIFT's mandate was extended for an additional two years to the end of 2018.

The Fund supported 58 projects in107 of Myanmar's 330 townships, and was able to track steady progress against its purpose and output indicators - please see a sample on this page. By the end of the year, LIFT funded projects had reached 511,505 beneficairy households or about 2.5 million people. In addition:

  • More than 290,000 beneficiary households reported that they had increased their food security by more than one month
  • Nearly 60,000 households reported higher incomes as a result of LIFT support
  • The number of households accessing affordable credit for agriculture doubled (since 2012) to 130,000 households.

The report is available in soft copy here on the website, and hard copy at the LIFT Fund Management Office. The Myanmar language version will be available shortly.