Nay Pyi Taw, 5 June 2012 – “Myanmar needs eco-friendly businesses today” said Vice-President Dr Sai Mao Kham at a World Environment Day event in Nay Pyi Taw.  He added that it was important for the government, private sector, civil society and all to work in building a green economy and a sustainable future for the planet.

The Ministry of Environment Conservation and Forestry invited LIFT to participate at the event attended by more than 300 people from Government ministries and development agencies.   LIFT encourages sustainable natural resource management and environmental restoration by seeking opportunities for decent work and social inclusion in a green economy.  LIFT aims to improve the livelihoods and create green jobs for 2 million people in Myanmar.

LIFT funded partner’s ADRA and EcoDev are regenerating and protecting mangrove trees. They have established mangrove nurseries and conducted training sessions for village groups. In addition, they worked on mangrove rehabilitation through natural regeneration, planting trees for wind breaking, planting trees to protect riverbanks from eroding and planting trees on the sides of roads.

As an incentive, the projects provided saplings of native mangrove trees not available in the area anymore that can be used for construction. These trees will provide additional income in a few years.

LIFT supports MSN to bring fuel saving stoves to poor households and to regenerate mangroves. Their surveys for tree saplings showed an urgent need to support the mangroves and to replant fruit trees destroyed by Cyclone Nargis.

LIFT funds CESVI to facilitate community-managed forest programmes in the rural areas of Shan State. Community-managed forest programme will prevent deforestation in hilly regions and help the community to solve its daily energy needs.