August is Nutrition Promotion Month in Myanmar. In collaboration with the Government, LIFT is highlighting the importance of addressing nutrition, especially during the critical 1,000 days between a child’s conception and his/her second birthday, when good nutrition will postively impact the rest of the child's life.

In collaboration with the National Nutrition Centre, LIFT partner LEARN (Leveraging Essential Nutrition Actions to Reduce Malnutrition) has produced a video that will be widely distributed on local TV channels. Reflecting the 1000 Days message of the Scaling Up Nutrition project,  of which Myanmar is a country member, the video runs for one and a half minutes and is in Myanmar language.

Please watch the 1000 Days video here and share it widely!

LEARN has also developed a CD of songs about nutrition  in Myanmar language and would like to share these with implementing partners to distribute in villages, at local radio stations, through village sound systems and meeting.  Please contact Leslie Koo at LEARN for copies of the CD:


Credit: The video was produced by a consultancy firm, The Bridge.