The launch of the Agricultural Development Strategy (ADS) and Investment Plan was celebrated at a ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw on 7 June attended by government ministers, diplomats and representatives of government departments, UN organisations, non-government organisations, the private sector and civil society.

Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr Aung Thu spoke at the official launch of the strategy and investment plan and described the ADS as “a guide book” for inclusive development of agriculture in Myanmar that was based on cooperation between government, farmers and private businesses.

The ADS has three pillars: governance, productivity, market linkages and competiveness.

“The agriculture sector is crucial for the development of the country and reduction of poverty. By using the ADS for the development of agriculture, all should work with great effort to achieve full life expectancy by having nutritious food, being healthy and increasing the incomes of smallholder farmers and rural people,” Dr Aung Thu said.

Dr Aung Thu thanked LIFT, the Asian Development Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization for the technical support they provided in developing the Agricultural Development Strategy.

LIFT’s Fund Board member and Donor Consortium Chair Mr Pedro Campo Llopis, Deputy Head of Operations of European Union Delegation to Myanmar congratulated MoALI and the Government of Myanmar on the successful development of the strategy.

“The success of the ADS is an example of doing the right things in the right way for the further development of Myanmar agriculture. We endorse the key objectives of the ADS … the reduction of rural poverty, food security, nutrition, land tenure security and gender,” Mr Campo Llopis said.


“It also demonstrates the opportunity and potential when the priorities of government and the development community are aligned and responsive to the needs of the sector,” he said.

The Food Security Working Group (FSWG), led by USAID and FAO, and technically supported by LIFT, worked with the government from July 2016 on developing the ADS and on submitting a proposal for funding from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP). In early 2017, GAFSP announced a grant to Myanmar of USD 27 million.

An on-screen fireworks display celebrating the ADS’s official launch concluded the ceremony. The report is available in English and Myanmar language.