We are pleased to announce that LIFT has opened a new Learning Corner!  It is located in LIFT's M&E office at UNOPS.

The purpose of the Learning Corner is to provide a curated, up-to-date and relevant collection of research and studies that inform the areas in which we work, specific to the context of Myanmar.

The Learning Corner is designed to be a useful resource for stakeholders and a space for the dissemination of the hard work of LIFT and its partners. You will find over one hundred publications all in one space, in hard copy. Anyone is more than welcome to use the Learning Corner as a quiet working space.

The Learning Corner library is organised primarily by focus area:

  1. Climate Change Adaptation
  2. Financial Inclusion
  3. Gender
  4. Inclusive Value Chains
  5. Migration
  6. Nutrition
  7. Security of Land Tenure
  8. Social Protection
  9. Strengthening Civil Society

Additionally, the reference section includes LIFT Annual Reports, household surveys and evaluative reports, Qualitative Social and Economic Monitoring (QSEMs) studies, and practical guides and toolkits for work in the field. Recent LIFT studies are also available to take home, and select datasets are available for viewing on the Learning Corner computer. Publications in both English and Myanmar are available.

Next time you come to LIFT, please take a moment to see it in person. We encourage partners to bring by any of their publications they would like to include in the library. The Learning Corner is located in the LIFT M&E office on the second floor of Building 5 in the UNOPS office, and office hours are 9am – 5pm, Monday through Friday.

If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, please feel free to contact Hsu Mon Aung, Communications Analyst at hsumona@unops.org, or Sophie Rigg, Knowledge Development Analyst at sophier@unops.org