The Department of Rural Development is in the process of developing a national approach or model for village development planning in Myanmar. This is based on the experience of government agencies and national and international development agencies through their respective village development programmes in Myanmar, particularly since 2008. This process has been endorsed by the Union Minister for Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development and the Honourable President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Some LIFT partners (Action Aid, CESVI, Help Age, Mercy Corps, SPPRG and Welthungerhilfe) have already helped the process by sharing with the DRD important lessons and tools. The DRD is very grateful for the assistance to date, which has enabled them to develop draft Guidelines for Village Development Planning. The draft model is based on a process that can be scaled up to cover all villages in the country in a reasonable time frame without unrealistic budget implications or excessive capacity demands of government and communities.

The DRD’s next step is to test the model by way of conducting village development planning in 170 villages in 34 townships (five villages per township) covering the country's 14 regions and states and the Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory. An important dimension of the planning exercise is that each village community upon completion of its village development plan would receive capital investment support in the order of approximately MMK 10 million for one or more priority development schemes identified in their respective development plan. These funds will be provided entirely by the government.

In order to complete the pilot process, the DRD would like to augment its existing capacity with experienced national professionals. DRD has asked LIFT to help identify the following key people who will work under the direct supervision and guidance of the DRD over the next four to six months:

Four (4) Senior Development Planners - see vacancy details

Four (4 ) Development Planners - see vacancy details

34 PRA Facilitators - see secondment request

This provides a unique opportunity for all agencies and development professionals in the country to help shape an important national policy.

How can you help?

  • By encouraging your staff to apply for one of the Development Planner posts. These are 6 months posts, which would require your agency to arrange a secondment or leave of absence or some another similar mechanism.
  • By encouraging qualified people outside your organisation to apply for one of the Development Planner posts.
  • By offering the services of one or more PRA Practitioners in your organisation through the “procurement” process

If you have further questions on this, please contact us on