Regional level workshop on “Restoring Unproductive Soil to get Sustainable yield by Green Manuring & Modified Cropping System in Dry Zone” conducted in Pakokku on 23-24 December by Golden Plain Livelihood Development Services Cooperative Ltd.

The objectives of the workshop were – to gain knowledge and skill in green manuring and modified cropping pattern; - to get contact with the National Level Members of Parliament (MP); - to build a good network between Department of Agriculture (DoA) and target beneficiaries.  The workshop was actively participated all type of stakeholders including farmers of Yesagyo and Pakokku, project staff, township and district level staff from DoA and Department of Rural Development (DRD), members of Parliament from these two townships, Chairman of Farmers Affair Committee of Amyothar Hluttaw, Magway Regional Director from DoA and LIFT donor representatives.

The workshop was organised by presentations of project senior staff on project activities in Dry Zone and one panel discussion led by three GP advisors, one MP, and the Magway Regional Director of DoA.  During the open floor discussion session, the issues discussed together with the farmers representatives included:- the increase of agricultural loan size for upland crops, the land registration using form 7, the availability and the source of quality seeds for upland crops, the alternative local solutions in pest management, farmers convincement on green manuring effect, the future opportunities for close collaboration with GP and DoA in implementing agriculture development intervention and farmers extension activities.

This workshop was also a first time of its wonderful experience for Golden Plain to facilitate the very interactive and productive meeting discussion among MPs, regional DoA Extension staff and farmers.  Through this open and frank workshop discussion, the actual situation and field level and other issues faced by farmers in the Magway region were precisely and correctly conveyed to the responsible MPs and government authorities for planning the effective government policy and stakeholders’ support to the rural communities in the future.

Through this first year experience, farmers of Pokokku and Yesagyo concluded that chopping down the green manure plants and incorporating into the soils at 45-60 days of planting time is best for its soil improvement effects and the timing of planting of the main cash crops afterwards. Finally, the Regional Director of DoA provided some recommendations on better project design for more stakeholders involvement and participation in the beginning.

LIFT is funding Golden Plain to implement the ‘Restoring unproductive soil to get sustainable yield by green manuring and modified cropping system’ in Magway Region. The project is aimed to increase yield of crops and reduce crop failure from extreme weather while improving soil fertility by comparing before and after. With the project support, farmers are to adopt improve practice and inputs on capacity in locally appropriate farming technology by using green manure and new cropping. Read more about the project here