The LIFT Delta 3 Programme launched in Bogale and Labutta with local government officials and stakeholders at the end of March.

Representatives from government departments, including General Administration, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and key actors from the private sector, including Awba and local rice millers attended the event, using it as an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing.

LIFT implementing partners presented their projects in detail. The Delta 3 partners are Welthurgerhilfe/GRET, Mercy Corps/Swisscontact/Ar Yone Oo, World Vision International Myanmar, International Organisation for Migration, Save the Children, PGMF, World Fish/NAG/GRET/PACT/DoF, and Proximity Finance. Countrywide projects by partners PATH and UNESCO, which focus on nutrition (fortified rice) and information for farmers, also feed into the new Delta projects.

LIFT’s commenced its work in the Delta in 2010, and extended into the Delta 2 Programme from 2012 to 2015. Lessons from the programmes were gathered at a workshop in 2014, and these have been used in the design of the new programme.

Delta 3 consildates the advances made in earlier projects, and focuses on increasing incomes and resilience, improving nutrition, and promoting policies that will bednefit rural poor people.

Activites are taking place in the three townships of Bogale, Mawlamyinegyun and Labutta, and will run to the end of 2018. LIFT’s Financial Inclusion partners are also active in the Delta, providing further opportunity for inclusive growth.  

USD 22 million is pledged for the new programme, with an additional USD 8 million dedicated to   financial inclusion services.

Please find more information on Delta 3 here.