Director General U Kyi Htut Win of Water Resources Utilization Department held a meeting with Fund Director Mr. Andrew Kirkwood and Consultant Mr. Ian Anderson (Irrigation Engineer) of Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) / United Nations Office for Projects Service (UNOPS) and party at the meeting hall of the department here today.

In the meeting, they concentrated on the matters related to further developments of pilot projects through feasibility study on existing pump irrigation schemes with the aim of supplying adequate irrigation water, boosting crop production and improving socio-economic conditions of rural people in the central dry zone of Myanmar.

It was agreed that Consultant Mr. Ian Anderson (Irrigation Engineer) and Daw Win Win Myint of LIFT/ UNOPS and Country Director U Saw Teddy Din of ADRA Myanmar together with a design analysis team of WRUD will visit Thaphenzeik, Myinkin, Myinkun and Kan-ni electric-powered river water pumping projects in Magway Region from 22 May, 2012 to 24 May, 2012 a call on Deputy Minister for Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation will be paid on 25 May, 2012 to report on the field assessments and analysis, a debriefing meeting will be held at WRUD at the same day and LIFT/ UNOPS will dispatch an expert group led by Consultant Mr. Ian Anderson (Irrigation Engineer) to Myanmar for drawing detailed plans and designs from 24 June, 2012 to 15 July, 2012.