This report provides an overall synthesis of the findings and learning from evaluations of the three networks: the Food Security Working Group (FSWG), Gender Equality Network (GEN) and the Land Core Group (LCG). It includes an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges that face these three networking organisations in Myanmar, and recommendations to LIFT for network development in Myanmar and how it can be effectively supported.

The synthesis report looks at the place, value and characteristics of the networks and briefly at the dual contexts of civil society and food security in Myanmar. It then identifies the similarities and differences among the networks, the integration of gender by FSWG and LCG, and the scope of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), Food Security Working Group (FSWG), Gender Equality Network (GEN), Land Core Group (LCG)
Civil society strengthening
Type of Publication:
LIFT Publications

Full Report (English):