LIFT is launching the second paper in its Legacy Series with The role of men in nutrition – lessons from the Delta RISE project.

Funded by LIFT, the Delta RISE project is addressing rural household incomes, economic opportunities, nutrition awareness and food diversification in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwady Delta region. It is being implemented by Welthungerhilfe (WHH) and GRET. When it comes to nutrition, men’s participation plays a pivotal role in nutrition awareness outcomes. One of the project’s challenges was facilitating men’s participation, to improve the outcomes of its nutrition programmes.

LIFT and its partner organisations have been implementing programmes across Myanmar since 2009. Over the years, LIFT has generated a wealth of information on programme implementation: its challenges and solutions. Drawing from this, the LIFT Legacy Series seeks to record and share key lessons learnt. The Legacy Series will be a valuable reference for all stakeholders. All learning papers in the series will be a useful, publicly available resource for future programme implementers. 

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT)
Thematic Area:
Gender Equality
Type of Publication:
LIFT Publications

Full Report (English):