This research highlight presents findings on key features of rural off-farm work and incomes in Myanmar’s Dry Zone. It is based on analysis of data collected by the Rural Economy and Agriculture in Dry Zone (READZ) survey in 2017. READZ surveyed 1578 households in four townships: Budalin Township (Sagaing Region), Magway and Pwintbyu Townships (Magway Region), and Myittha Township (Mandalay Region).
For this study, we define off-farm income as income originating from any work or activity that individuals perform away from their own household’s farm – thus it includes agricultural work for pay.

Aye Myint Zu, Htet Htet Khine, Khin Zin Win, Sithu Kyaw. Food Security Policy Project (FSPP). Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. 2017

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), USAID, Michigan State University (MSU), Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Thematic Area:
Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway
Type of Publication:
Partner Publications

Full Report (English):