As part of its self assessment, the LIFT-funded Leveraging Essential Actions to Reduce Malnutrition (LEARN) project has held a workshop with implementing partners (IP) to reflect on lessons from its programming, and to discuss plans looking ahead.

LEARN is a three-year LIFT-funded initative, implemented by Save the Children, Hellen Keller International and Action Contre la Faim, that supports LIFT-funded projects to be nutrition-sensitive.

LEARN works with LIFT implementing partners mainly to train and support staff, but it also actively supports advocacy campaigns, providing technical input and materials and rallying extended nutrition networks. A recent evaluation showed that LEARN has achieved or exceeded all of its indicator targets.

The IPs voiced their appreciation for LEARN's work. Their recommendations included a scale-up in knowledge sharing, supplementary water and sanitation hygiene training, an improved platform for influencing policy, and the provision of materials in regional languages and dialects. LEARN intends to improve  its social and behaviour change curriculums and to increase the production of audio-visual materials for communities.

LEARN also contributes to the nutrition evidence base. At another event last month, in collaboration with Dr. May Khin Than of the Ministry of Health's National Nutrition Centre, two new LEARN reports were launched: Undernutrition in Myanmar, Part 1: A Critical Review of Literature, and Part 2: A Secondary Analysis of LIFT 2013 Household Survey Data. Report author and nutrition expert, Jennifer Cashin identified key data specific to Myanmar, and important knowledge gaps to be addressed for nutrition.