To assess the impact of COVID-19 on the target group directly, including employability prospects and participation in vocational training, the study interviewed a sample of youth IDPs from each target location. Originally, the study anticipated interviewing youth in the camps, however due to an inability to get in contact with the camps, IDPs that are currently taking courses at the GTHS (prior to COVID19) were interviewed. Twenty-four youth IDPs were interviewed, from the following locations: Myitkyina, Waingmaw, MoMauk, Mansi, Bhamo and Lashio. Eleven of the youth are in the GTHS computer course, seven in electrical wiring and six in motorbike repair.

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), AVSI Foundation, Finnish Refugee Council
Thematic Area:
Decent Work and Labour Mobility
Conflict Area Development
Type of Publication:
Partner Publications

Full Report (English):