This working paper provides an overview of international labour migration governance in Myanmar, detailing the most relevant actors and policies at Union/National level and how they presently do or do not intersect, coordinate, and cooperate together. It also discusses where and how the governance of international migration can be more strongly linked to other policy domains, exploring to what extent labour migration policy is consistent with and contributing to national development plans and how it relates to other policy areas such as poverty reduction, rural development, social protection, women’s empowerment and others. By tracing out intersections and overlaps, both actual and possible, between different policies, policy areas, and the actors responsible for formulating and implementing them, this paper seeks to lay the groundwork for promoting greater policy coherence in the governance of international labour migration.

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), International Labour Organization (ILO)
Thematic Area:
Decent Work and Labour Mobility
Type of Publication:
Partner Publications

Full Report (English):

Full Report (Myanmar):