Myanmar is in the midst of a process of rapid agricultural mechanization. Previous research has documented the demand side of agricultural machine use (Filipski et al. 2018), and mechanization outsourcing services (Belton et al. 2018) in Myanmar’s Central Dry Zone – one of the country’s most important agricultural zones. This report presents findings on the supply side of agricultural mechanization, based on a survey of 57 agricultural machinery supply businesses in five urban centers, conducted in mid-December 2017. Together, these enterprises account for the majority of agricultural machinery supplied in the Dry Zone.

Published By:
Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), FEED THE FUTURE, USAID, Michigan State University (MSU), Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), University of Pretoria
Thematic Area:
Private Sector Partnerships
Magway, Mandalay, Sagaing
Type of Publication:
Partner Publications

Full Report (English):