LIFT’s Dry Zone Programme 2015 – 2018

Budget: Estimated USD 52 million

Download the programme one pager in English here. Myanmar language here


Vision and Approach

The Dry Zone Programme is designed to support inclusiveness in Myanmar’s rural transformation. The Programme promotes livelihoods development and nutrition-sensitive food security in six townships: Myingyan, Natogyi, Taungtha and Mahlaing in the Mandalay Region and Pakokku and Yesagyo in the Magway Region. The programme aims to build the resilience of poor rural households by:

  • Introducing maternal child cash transfers and behaviour change for improved nutrition to reduce stunting in children under two years of age
  • Introducing behaviour change for improved hygiene villages, resulting in fewer health problems
  • Supporting economic activities at township and regional levels to improve the rural economy e.g. value chain and rural finance interventions, increased mechanisation
  • Improving agriculture and livestock production processes
  • Generating evidence to inform effective policy and public expenditure decisions

LIFT’s financial inclusion partners are also working in these townships to provide access to affordable credit and financial services to enhance project outcomes.


Expected outcomes

  1. Smallholder farmers have increased income and food security from the sale of agricultural produce and livestock
  2. Rural households have increased income and food security from non-farm employment
  3. Rural households are less vulnerable to shocks and stress
  4. Fewer children are stunted
  5. Advocacy will lead to increased public spending in nutrition and social protection, such as a social pension for the elderly


Innovative services:

  • Community-based social protection initiatives - HelpAge/ Lodestar Company Ltd./SPPRG
  • Agriculture advisory services through interventions with the private sector - IFDC
  • Maternal child cash transfers and nutrition education - Save the Children
  • Improved water and sanitation, to complement Save the Children's work to improve nutrition and well-being - UN-HABITAT
  • Development of ‘best practices’ for environmentally and economically sound livestock production – FAO Livestock