This is the resources page for the Dry Zone programme consultation process, which took place from September - November 2014.

The consultation took place to develop a results framework for LIFT's  Dry Zone programme. In September 2014, volunteers from LIFT partners formed five working groups based on crop production, livestock, water, social protection and financial services, to define the programmes' results logframe. 

The working group meeting minutes are shared below. 

Updates were posted as news on the site and are linked here:  please read  this interview with LIFT Fund Board Advisor, Michael Wales and this interview with LIFT's Lead Technical Officer, Steve Dowall. The FAO Investment Centre's Scoping Report on the selected townships is also available.

DRAFT guidelines for submitting concept notes were posted for the purpose of soliciting feedback from working group participants and other interested parties. These are now outdated and should be viewed for reference only:

Guidelines for submitting Concept Notes and Full proposal

Guidelines Dry Zone Programme Outcomes and Outputs Draft

Working Group Meeting Minutes

Crop Production



Financial Services

Social Protection & Migration